European Cadet and Junior Championships
Budapest 2013.







26. february 09:00 Men's foil cadets ind.
26. february 13:00 Women's sabre cadets ind.
27. february 09:00 Men's epée cadets ind.
27. february 11:30 Women's foil cadets ind.
28. february 09:00 Women's epée cadets ind.
28. february 13:00 Men's sabre cadets ind.
01. march 09:00 Men's epée cadets teams
01. march 10:30 Men's foil cadets teams
01. march 11:30 Women's sabre cadets teams
02. march 09:00 Women's epée cadets teams
02. march 09:00 Women's foil cadets teams
02. march 11:30 Men's sabre cadets teams
Detalis of schedule can be modified


03. march 09:00 Men's foil juniors ind.
03. march 13:00 Women's sabre juniors ind.
04. march 09:00 Men's epée juniors ind.
04. march 12:00 Women's foil juniors ind.
05. march 09:00 Women's epée juniors ind.
05. march 13:00 Men's sabre juniors ind.
06. march 09:00 Men's epée juniors teams
06. march 90:00 Men's foil juniors teams
06. march 12:00 Women's sabre juniors teams
07. march 09:00 Women's epée juniors teams
07. march 10:00 Women's foil juniors teams
07. march 12:00 Men's sabre juniors teams
Detalis of schedule can be modified